
Kinetics and drives
We produce installations with drives in motion on a looped path or according to a scenario. Kinetic installations may consist of many suspended forms, such as spheres, or large objects, such as a decorative log.
Develops interaction scenarios with interactive installations. After inventing how the visitor will receive content, all sources of sound, light, video, kinetics are laid out on scenarios of work and sequence of on/off. We foresee variability of the visitor experience, for example: kinetic installation works in a loop mode, and there is a standard representation for 2-3 minutes for groups of visitors, and there is a festive program for 5 minutes.
We offer the development of interactive attractions, work out the mechanics of interaction with the visitor in a playful form. We have experience of production of more serious interassets with visiting 10-12 visitors.
Themed train with content monitors in the windows, and the entire frame has 3 types of movement: 2 levels of force forward and back, as well as side with 1 force and content. Our designers were engaged in the production of extreme rides, so we use Italian or German drives with a high level of reliability and durability. Kinetic sculptures with 50-100 elements with independent drives or grouping into groups with movement to music, taking into account the light and programming all sources according to the given scenarios. Before programming, we clear with the customer on the movement score in the form of a video from the set of movements. If we are talking about an installation without brand use in theming, the composer will create a unique track according to your wishes and the professional control of our producer and screenwriter.

VR and AR
As a substitute for standard shooters and shooters, we try to link technology to general and local scenarios.
Creating unique content with full immersion and using all available sources of visitors’ feelings: local and general sound, smells, wind, heat, kinetic platforms and of course tied to the scenario.
The VR Theatre is an excellent highlight for the park of any direction, and with the help of communication with the heroes of the park or other zones, it is readily visited not only by teenagers, but also by children 5-10 years old. AR or augmented reality has a wide range of applications: from entertainment content to games within these parks on the mechanics of Pokémon GO. A great delight is the content that can be shared in networks. Photo zones can be anywhere – with the help of reading any unique mark/tags through the application of the park, heroes, entourage or whole buildings and landscapes can appear in the camera. A decorated birthday cake on any theme can be supplemented with entertaining AR content in which the hero of the park congratulates on the holiday.

Lighting and sound
Most of all, visualizations or even more sketches on a tablet incorrectly transmit lighting. After the sketches are developed, it is necessary to perform a lighting calculation.
Especially important are places with normalized lighting: rooms for master classes, a medical station, common passages.
Many lamps in our concepts are unique and have the character of decoration with lighting. We have repeatedly passed the way of interaction of suppliers of lamps and installation in decorations. Before delivery we perform fitting and general assembly in the workshop. Sound and especially its control, distribution to zones and scenarios, vandalism and without unnecessary cuts to brands. The development of the multimedia project will help to provide the necessary management tools and software for the park administrator, as well as the panel of the senior administrator (manager) with the right to appoint an administrator and change the basic functions.

Preliminary concept
Park concept creation
Designing’s development
Sketch development
Description of solutions for equipment and rides
Provisional budget
Working concept
Detailed concept development
Integration of equipment manufacturers’ drawings, theming
Development of graphic layouts
Output of power networks, lighting, water supply and sewerage
Bill of materials
Drawings for the calculation of finishing works
Working documentation
Architecture Solutions Section Architecture Solutions
Lightning and Power Supply Section Lightning and power supply
Multimedia Equipment Section Multimedia equipment
Design drawings for decorations, showcases and furniture
Master Plan Section Master plan

Park concept creation Designing’s development Sketches development Description of solutions for equipment and rides Guideline Provisional budget
Detailed study of the concept Integration of equipment manufacturers drawings, theming Development of graphics layouts Laying of power networks, lighting, water supply and sewerage List of materials Drawings for the calculation of finishing works
Architecture Solutions Section Architectural solutions Lightning and Power Supply Section Lighting and power supply Multimedia Equipment Section Multimedia equipment Design drawings of decorations, showcases and furniture Master Plan Section General Plan