Globus hypermarket playground

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A unique colorful playground as part of the Globus hypermarket. The platform is made of non-combustible fiberglass with integrated light hemispheres. The playground with slides was made from components for transportation for installation with sealing of seams and painting in place. Slides are also produces in-house. Hidden mounts with revisions for access are applied. Seats are made of wear-resistant leatherette. Installation was carried out mainly at night time by grips. Upon completion, we made the passport of each of the products, as well as the operating instructions.


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Teme parks, Interactive rides
Design of theme parks, spaces, concept development
Construction and finishing, turnkey facility, integrated solutions
Interactive, kinetic and VR rides
Design and manufacture of fiberglass and concrete decorations
Ready-made projects and turnkey objects
The cost of the concept, development, design, production, etc.
Our team and how we work
Let's discuss your ideas and our solutions!
Teme parks, Interactive rides
Design of theme parks, spaces, concept development
Construction and finishing, turnkey facility, integrated solutions
Interactive, kinetic and VR rides
Design and manufacture of fiberglass and concrete decorations
Ready-made projects and turnkey objects


page 18
The cost of the concept, development, design, production, etc.

About Us

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Company Profile. Our team and how we work


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