Every resident of Voronezh knows about the shopping mall City Park “Grad”, which combines not just retail space, fast food and a cinema, but real anchors of attraction of streams for the most diverse and sophisticated audiences. The dominants of the complex are the aquarium, which is one of the ten best oceanariums in Europe, a concert venue, Kidburg, an indoor park of extreme attractions. To attract traffic from the concert hall, a project was proposed to be organized by analogy with the proven MAZA PARK format. Visitors get access to all the entertainment for a single cost. For an additional fee – food, drinks or the opportunity to celebrate a birthday in patirum. The visualizations show the second floor of the steampunk-style park, dedicated more to restaurant planting, “lazy” entertainment and idle pastime. Entertainment categories are selected for an audience of 14-30 years. The ceiling is complemented by kinetic floating sculptures that are autonomously brought into micro-motion according to the scenario. There are various variations of planting, the possibility of combining for events.